24 July 2023
This movie is a disappointing experience, marred by subpar CGI and lackluster acting that detracts from any potential enjoyment. While the concept and plot had promise, the execution falls flat due to the glaring issues with visual effects and performances.

The CGI work in this film is nothing short of disastrous. From poorly-rendered creatures to awkwardly integrated green screens, the visual effects are jarring and take the audience out of the story. The lack of attention to detail in the CGI undermines the movie's attempts to create an immersive world, leaving viewers struggling to suspend disbelief.

The acting performances add to the film's woes. The cast, unfortunately, seems uninspired and disengaged, delivering their lines with little emotion or conviction. This lack of commitment to their roles makes it challenging for the audience to invest in the characters or care about their journey.

The combination of weak CGI and lackluster acting results in an overall sense of amateurishness that permeates the film. Instead of being drawn into the story, viewers are left cringing at the awkward visual effects and wooden performances.

Additionally, the film's plot, which could have been a redeeming factor, fails to make up for the glaring flaws in CGI and acting. While the concept shows potential, the execution lacks coherence and leaves many plot points feeling underdeveloped and unresolved.

Despite any efforts made in other aspects of production, the subpar CGI and acting ultimately undermine the film's potential. It becomes a challenging task for the audience to overlook these glaring issues and find enjoyment in what could have been a compelling story.

In conclusion, this movie suffers greatly from its horrible CGI and lackluster acting. The visual effects are unconvincing and take away from any sense of immersion, while the performances lack the passion and skill needed to make the characters come to life. Despite a promising premise, the film fails to deliver, leaving viewers disappointed and disengaged.
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