Wanted to love it. Really did... but
16 July 2023
I really tried to love this movie. Swear I did. I haven't gone to a normal movie theater where I paid money to sit next to strangers and watch a film since - The Northman(big robert eggers fan).

I've been a huge Cruise fan for as long as I can remember and I love that he respects and appreciates the audience as opposed to the rest of Hollywood which seems to believe they are entitled to our money sans our opinions and wants.

It's always fun to watch Cruise do his thing. Yeah, he looked a little old but not like Harrison Ford in that latest Indiana crap fest - looking like Joe Biden in that hat. Cruise, here, is a bad a$$ older dude who still looked like he could beat the crap out of a much younger person but was nearing a time to hang it up.

Which leads me to the things I did appreciate in MI:DR - Cruise may have a massive ego - understandable being that he's been consistently one of the top 5 biggest movie stars ever for his entire life. But his ego isn't offensive. It doesn't sabotage him or his work. He's too smart for that.

So in this film I saw Cruise consciously put together a younger class that seems like they're being set up to take over some time down the road - Hayley Atwell and the young black man that found himself admiring Ethan Hunt.

Cruise is still a lot of fun to watch. And no doubt the action was fun. Hayley Atwell was super sexy, fun, sneaky, and clever. I absolutely loved that she was actually feminine. She wasn't going hand to hand with 280 pound guys. I bought her character.

Rebecca Ferguson is easily one of my favorite actresses working today. She's just phenomenal in everything I've seen her in and can truly make fairly measly and forgettable role into something concrete - Which is what she did here. She wasn't given much but still managed to stand out.

Vanessa Kirby had next to nothing to do.

Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg... love these guys. Just wish the script loved them as much.

Esai Morales was apparently cast directly from his role in Ozark. He's one journeyman of an actor and a real talent... i was happy to see him in a movie of this size and scope. He deserves it. Again I think the script let him down.

Speaking of the script letting someone down... Pom Klementieff. My god, "look what they did to my girl". So, Pom is perfect as the femme fatale - she has the look, she's gorgeous but we can still buy her kicking some butt. Problem is that they did nothing with her. She spoke like 3 times in the whole movie. Personally, I think she deserved better. This could have been an opportunity for her to do some actual acting as opposed to the marvel drivel and other stuff I've seen her in.

All of the above aside, the number one issue with this movie is the script. I mean was this written by a person? Or did they experiment with AI to write this? I'm seriously asking... but this script was awful. A film school freshmen would do better than this. It honestly felt less like MI and more like a Fast and Furious movie. I half expected Ethan to say he had "Family".

I kept thinking through the film that if you hadn't seen the last few Mission Impossible's then you wouldn't know or care about anyone in this film. Some of you might say... well they should watch those other movies. Wrong. It's on the filmmakers to make each story accessible to new viewers each and every outing in franchises. They failed on that here.

Also, in my humble opinion, I really wish Cruise would can Christopher Mcquarrie who is for all intents and purposes a by the numbers director... Barely above average and bring back John Woo - one the most legendary action directors to walk the earth. To me MI 2 is by far the most memorable. I remember seeing it as a kid and to this day those gorgeous shots and action sequences are imprinted in my mind.

I gave this a 6 and It's only because of the respect I have for Cruise and the supporting cast but considering the writing - this rating is generous.
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