The Gunrunner (1989)
Glad I ignored the ratings here, again.
11 July 2023
Costner returns to his home in 1927 Montreal from China to buy guns to use there because of the murder of his doctor girlfriend. The movie is about his efforts to find a source of guns to smuggle to China and raise enough money to purchase the guns from criminal elements in Prohibition era Quebec. Smuggling Canadian booze to the completely dry U. S. dominated much of the criminal activity. Costner and his brother attempt to make money smuggling booze into the U. S. Costner's brother is killed. The police are corrupt and there is a nasty corrupt policeman to make that point. It is a slow low budget production where the makers did a good job. You can see Costner before the days of Tig Productions. The movie is worth a watch and you can see hints of what the future holds for Kevin. If you have an attention span greater than a goldfish you will recognize the the movie spins a pretty good yarn on a budget. I rate the movie 5.5 stars rounded to a 6.
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