Great Documentary!
6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to describe two aspects in my review.

1. Criticism 2. My Thoughts

1. Criticism - I think the biggest criticism surrounding the documentary is the fact that the title and the plot line do not sync. I beg to differ on this point, as I do not think that the title is deviating from the plot line but instead is heading towards it. That being said, I sympathize with a few critics, as we do not get to see the the lost pyramid in its entirety. And if we consider the worst case scenario, the pyramid could potentially not be the "Unknown Pyramid" as the excavation is still ongoing as we speak.

2. My Thoughts - I think this documentary is very informative. Got to know a lot about the Ancient Egyptian Culture, the process involved in archeology and excavation, and not to mention a ton of history associated with tombs, mummification, and the science involved in discovering something so fascinating. Personally, I was glued from the very start all the way to the end. I hardly blinked.

My only gripe is the fact that unfortunately we didn't get to see the whole excavation of the tomb itself. Not to mention that it is lengthy process. I do not understand though whether this was due to financial constraints on the movie makers, as their is no time stamp in the documentary that indicates the beginning of the excavation. (Time stamps in the documentary could have indicated the time involved in the making and I would therefore be able to make out whether this documentary as a project was even viable and whether or not they could've covered the entire process of excavating the Unknown Pryamid).

I would also like to compliment the fact that the movie makers didn't decide to use a separate narrator for this documentary and the narration was done by the archeologist himself. This syncs with the message in the documentary that Egyptian archeology is heading in a direction where they do not need any foreign help. I think it is a very good sign for their country in general that they mastered archeology and are up to modern standards.
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