The Walking Dead: 400 Days (2013 Video Game)
Interesting, mysterious and a nice tie-in to season 2
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Warning potentially massive spoilers for both 400 Days and 2 season are included in this review. Please do not read if you haven't finished those games.

I got to say I was massively impressed by the DLC called 400 Days. It's very satisfactory to play through and makes you think carefully about your choices. All brand new characters that you haven't met or played as before, all dealing with life and their own traumas and different hardships in the zombie apocalypse.

Personally my favorite story was Wyatt's because he had an interesting partner with him and it seemed like the 400 Days characters were originally supposed to play a much larger role in season 2 than they did (unfortunately just small cameos for them except for Bonnie). You can see that on the cover for the fourth episode.

About season 2. The Russian group weren't even a thing until "the final script" was chosen to be portrayed for it. And although season 2 is by far my favorite in this franchise I still found flaws within the writing of it and how it threw most of the newcomers under the bus both in the main game and here. Eddie was supposed to be heavily involved in the fourth episode but that idea unfortunately got scrapped like so many others.

In 400 Days you go through 5 troubled individuals and try to figure out their stories. If you don't want any spoilers about this then I recommend you do not read any further. In the end when you are finished with each stories all of the survivors have tented in the woods until a person called Tavia finds them.

She offers them to join Carver's camp and depending on your decisions they may or might not join it. Bonnie joins regardless considering she's a main character in season 2 but the rest are completely left to interpretation and ambiguity. Vince seemed like someone who was going to play in season 2 a lot but doesn't eventually. Just says hi once at Carver's camp. Same with Dee and Becca, Russell, and also Wyatt.

I really enjoyed this story a lot thought it was a well welcomed addition and I wish the characters here played a bigger role in season 2 than just "hi cameos". One of the most disliked and deceitful characters (Jane) gets a way more prominent role in season 2 than what was initially teased as and promised. She reminded me a lot of Lilly and was very arrogant too. Mike had the same personality as Lee and built like him as well.

Amazing and incredible characters like Luke and most of the cabin group people get a scripted and a pitiful death scene. Arvo gets constantly abused and beaten up by Kenny for no reason other than "being a Russian in America" even though he's underaged and most of the time kept as a hostage even though all of his friends are dead and he has no one left to talk to. I didn't even expect Clementine to be a protagonist in season 2 and she was kind of boring as one. The chemistry is so weird, odd and all over the place despite being extremely captivating too.

Great and an impressive DLC but a lot of lost potential. Builds your hype up a lot for season 2 and delivers in some ways but not in all of them. But very nice content added to the Walking Dead series. I recommend it highly for anyone who's yet to test it out. Just don't get your hopes and except it to tie into season 2 perfectly. It does not. But all in all had a fantastic time playing this. Very underrated. It would have been awesome if the choices had more impact into season 2 though. The shortcomings were there but it was still nice.

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