Gamera: The Giant Monster (1965)
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cult Cuts Volume 25

#4/4: Gamera: The Giant Monster (1965)

(7/10): So here we have the introduction of the second largest Kaiju monster and rival to Toho's Godzilla, which is Daiei Studio's Gamera.

Most known for being the friend of all kids, Gamera wasn't always that way, in his debut Daiei chose to more directly make him a destructive force like Godzilla was in his original film.

For those who don't know who Gamera is, Gamera is the Friend of all children and was created by Toho company's (the Japanese company that created Godzilla) rival company Daiei Studios as a form of competition for the money making titan Godzilla.

It's a simple story of Japanese planes and American planes having an aerial fight when they accidentally strike the glacier which was keeping the last living creature called a Gamera, which is a giant prehistoric Turtle, frozen. From then onwards Gamera proceeds to rampage through cities and towns destroying everything in his path and the American and Japanese governments must join forces to stop the creature.

The effects are rather primitive but they have a way of working in spite of themselves as many people who are fans of giant monster movies are very familiar with rubber suits and also even strings attached to planes.

The film itself isn't that great but it's far from the worst of its kind as well, it's just kinda middle ground but enjoyable nonetheless.

It's more about its significance that this is where the character started, but from what I understand Gamera has a trilogy of some of greatest Kaiju films ever made.
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