Sweetheart (I) (2021)
One of the more underrated Coming of Age British films out there
14 June 2023
Marley Morrison's gem of a debut film Sweetheart, is that type of film sadly probably end up near the bottom of most streaming sites and probably go out of print on DVD or Blu-Ray over the next few years. Which is a damn shame cause it's a great coming of age film set on hoilday beach resorts in the UK.

It's not a film with the usual British character actors or has a major budget (to be fair, besides maybe durng the 80's disco scene near the end with it's soundtrack. You rarely feel the low budget). Even the cast is really only 10 people and three of them are only seen here and there.

The film is pretty much carried by. Nell Barlow as AJ (she won a award or two in the UK for her performance, well deserved too). In a lesser actress hands, AJ could be really dislikeable. But Barlow makes you care for AJ. She's definitely someone to keep a eye out for in the future.

Also the underused and always great Jo Hartley as AJ's mum almost steals the film from Barlow and is given a few nice scenes at the end. Sophia Di Martino as AJ's sister is probably the most well known to many for her role in Loki. But she's great. As is Samuel Anderson as AJ's brother in law and little. Tabitha Bryon as AJ's younger sister.

I also like AJ's love interest Isla (played nicely by. Ella-Rae Smith). The romance gets plenty of film's running time. And nice mix of romance and drama between them. Smith and Barlow have great chemistry. The film has the usual parent and misunderstood teen drama you expect from films like this. But it's done really well. Aslo it's nice that AJ's sexuality isn't a major point of the film, she's already out to her family before the film even begins.

The ending is a nice bittersweet one. I think the right ending to go with for this film.

I have to keep my eye out for Marley Morrison and Nell Barlow for the future. A shame the film didn't find a big audience as it was released mid way through the pandemic (it's only got 746 votes on IMDB). It's not a lost classic or anything but it's a better film then it's 6.6 rating on here.
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