Aztec lore with potential
23 May 2023
This was not a total waste of time, it just felt a tad undercooked. Now, should it be at the top of your cue? Probably not... but it had some decent potential.

The foundation of the plot and the lore behind it was solid, spooky and intriguing. It was that and the poster that got me to commit to watching. Unfortunately, it didn't go much of anywhere and teetered on the precipice of boring... It just really needed to beef up that storyline and action.

It held it together for the first 2/3s despite its cliche script and slight lack of engaging action... but something about when it hit the third act it really kinda fell apart. The story and the acting seemed to go down hill and something about the over all quality felt like it gained 10 indi points... and not the particularly positive ones. The monster also had some potential but piece by piece leading up to the final reveal it unfortunately looked sillier and sillier.

However, as stated, the story was intriguing and spooky. Also for the majority of it the acting was pretty decent from most of the cast. If you are a forgiving viewer and patient with/appreciative of indi cinema I would recommend. 4.5 rounding down to a 4.
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