Malasaña 32 (2020)
Copy and paste
20 May 2023
It can be rather puzzling, indeed, why some filmmakers choose to replicate elements from other films without adding their unique touch, showcasing zero creativity. It's as if they've taken to merely copying and pasting plotlines, character arcs, and even aesthetic elements from previous successful movies. This is certainly a source of frustration for many viewers who long for fresh and innovative content.

Perhaps this tendency can be explained by a combination of factors. One of the main reasons is the inherent risk aversion in the film industry. It's costly to produce a movie; therefore, stakeholders might prefer to stick to what has been proven successful rather than take a gamble on something new and untested. This 'safe' approach leads to a recycling of ideas and themes, diluting the essence of creativity.

Additionally, the ubiquity of sequels, prequels, and remakes is due to the established fan bases these franchises possess. The familiarity offers an almost guaranteed return on investment. However, this doesn't excuse the lack of innovation. As an audience, we should demand and appreciate new ideas, narratives, and styles that reflect the dynamic nature of our society. It's through this diversity and creativity that the art of cinema can truly evolve and grow.

Also, it's crucial to note that sometimes this perceived lack of creativity can be attributed to cultural saturation. With the sheer volume of movies being produced globally, it's almost inevitable that similar themes and concepts will emerge. However, it's the task of a truly great filmmaker to take these common threads and weave them into a story that feels fresh, unique, and compelling.

To conclude, while it may be amusing to see filmmakers sticking to tried-and-true formulas, as viewers, we should champion originality and creativity, encouraging filmmakers to step outside of their comfort zones and deliver truly unique cinematic experiences.
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