Review of Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly (1970)
A period piece set in Australia 19th century , it dramatizes the life of a notorious outlaw played by Mick Jagger
20 May 2023
Spectacular version , being basically a Western in all but locale , dealing with a known and ruthless bandit , stars Mick Jagger playing an unusual role . A film about the legendary outlaw whose story outgrew his life , it is based on the true events of famous 19th-century Outback rebel, an authentic legend which results to be the Australian's most ambiguous outlaw. A man (Mick Jagger) called Ned Kelly and his family are mistreated by Australians guards .He turns to steal horses that had been previously robbed to him . Shortly after , he finds it's impossibie for an Irishman in Queen Victoria's colony to walk the straight and narrow . Later on , there happens a manhunt proceeded by law enforcers , attempting to capture him , it results in merciless chases , violence and mayhem . He gets deeply drawn into crime life and eventually becomes a policemen killer , meanwhile , he falls in love . Kelly forms an Irish band battling the British Empire but the oppressed people called them heroes and are relentlessly pursued by astute , stubborn officials . The manhunt results in death and the eventual capture and execution of Kelly .The Saga of the Stringbark Creek massacre! . You can kill a man but not a legend !. When the law tried to silence him a legend was born !. The British Empire branded them as outlaws !. The oppressed called them heroes !.

The film is an Australian Western made completely by Aussies and Brits packing action , drama , shootouts, a love story and a lot of violence . It's an acceptably solid movie narrating the confrontation between the Irish rebels and the English forces and holds up pretty well too . A peculiar and disjointed film about a desperado roaming outlands of 19th-century Outback , resulting in violent and offbeat consequences. The essential of this picture is the outlaw hunt that results in a great load of gunplay and deaths until a breathtaking final confrontation. This is a period piece financied by Australian and British producers, but it seems to have lacked an empathy for the material, and director giving a lethargic filmmaking . The very contemporary Mick Jagger is miscast as a two-fisted and revenger outlaw , giving a passable acting , being accompanied by nice Australian actors , such as : Clarissa Kaye-Mason , Mark McManus , Bruce Barry and Frank Thring. Ned Kelly (1970) before being adapted in a Australian version 1960 by Sterling and in 2003 also titled Ned Kelly by Gregor Jordan starred by Heath Ledger, Naomi Watts, Orlando Bloom and Geoffrey Rush . And in similar style : Mad Morgan (1976) with Dennis Hooper.

The movie benefits tremendously from Gerry Fisher's frequently ravishing cinematography , although is sometimes dark , as film longtime is developed at night and some interior scenarios. It contains a sensitive and rousing musical score with a lot of catching Irish songs .The motion picture was well photographed and competently directed by Tony Richardson who dramatizes accurately the life of this famous outlaw and his henchmen , containing some shortfalls , flaws and gaps . Richardson was a Brit craftsman who made a lot of films in all kinds of genres , getting successes anf flops . Richardson was a good writer and director who married Vanessa Redgrave and Jeanne Moreau , known for The Hotel New Hampshire (1984) , A taste of honey (1961), Tom Jones (1963), The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962), among others. Rating : 6/10 . The flick will appeal to Mick Jagger fans.
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