Eye of the Beast (2007 TV Movie)
Every bit as bad as you would expect...
16 May 2023
Right, well I have to admit that I wasn't exactly harboring much of any expectations to this 2007 movie from writer Mark Mullin and director Gary Yates. Why? Well, a movie that starred X and had a giant squid in it didn't exactly seem like the killer combo. However, I have seen a fair share of the movie in the 'maneater series', of which "Eye of the Beast" is a part, and thus I opted to sit down and watch this movie, as I stumbled upon it by random chance here in 2023.

Writer Mark Mullin managed to put together a rather generic, albeit a uniquely boring script and storyline. For a movie about a killer giant squid, the movie's storyline takes place on dry land for 90% of the 90 minutes that the movie ran for. An odd way of writing a story about a giant squid, I would say. And it didn't help much that the story itself was bland, lacking thrills, and just sort of slow paced, monotonous and downright boring.

The acting performances in "Eye of the Beast" was every bit as exciting and thrilling as the storyline itself. So don't get your hopes up. I am not overly familiar with James Van Der Beek, but this definitely didn't make me a fan either.

You would think that a movie about a killer giant squid would actually include a giant killer squid, now wouldn't you? Yeah, writer Mark Mullin and director Gary Yates might not have gotten that memo, because you have surprisingly little screen time that actually includes the giant squid.

Visually then I will actually say that "Eye of the Beast" was okay. It wasn't top of the line special effects, mind you, but the effects department pulled it off nicely enough. I have seen creature features with far worse special effects than what you have in "Eye of the Beast", so that definitely was in favor of the movie.

The best thing about "Eye of the Beast" was ultimately the movie's cover. I kid you not.

"Eye of the Beast" is not a movie I would recommend for fans of the creature feature genre to sit down and watch. There simply wasn't enough happening throughout the course of the 90 minutes to warrant this being a proper creature feature.

My rating of "Eye of the Beast" lands on a three out of ten(tacles) - pardon the pun.
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