Pretty good remake
15 May 2023
Reading of the recent death of Terence Hardiman, the original Headmaster, prompted me to see if the series was online. Sadly it wasn't, but this remake was available on iPlayer. One episode and I was hooked and binge-watched all ten episodes.

Of course the children in this series had all the 21st century tech you might expect. In one episode they find a video cassette and have no idea what it is.

The acting is excellent, as one would expect from a BBC series, and for me the acting honours go to Jordan Rankin as school bully, Blake Vinney.

So why have I given this very watchable series only 7 stars? Sadly it is because of the eponymous villain. Hardiman's Headmaster had presence and a true sense of menace. Sadly the 2019 Headmaster, played by Nicholas Gleaves, comes over as really rather banal.

That said I thoroughly enjoyed my afternoon's viewing and can recommend it.
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