Review of Simulant

Simulant (2023)
poor man's Blade Runner
11 May 2023
As other's say here in the comments - this movie tries to be a Blade Runner. Tries to cash in on the boom of AI and scares around it. Tries to make us think about "what makes us human, and what would be the difference to a sentient machine".

Unfortunately, it suffers from plot holes (like a policeman going for a super dangerous criminal with no backup, to name just one), suffers from low budget (albeit CGI is not too bad), and suffers from over-artism. It tried to be Blade Runner with a much worse script, and it failed.

It's not a bad movie if you're into slow, not-really-action-filled but more "brainly" and "artsy-fartsy" (and perhaps over-talked) sci-fi. I love sci-fi so I gave this 6 out of 10, but most of you will give it 4 or 5.
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