Wrapped Up in Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Good but bad ending
10 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know I'm doing this review a long way from Christmas but it doesn't matter I was on a streaming site watching something to pass the time and I stumbled across this movie so I why not see it even if it's not Christmas and so I watched it. Critical.

To begin with, I like the two characters: Heather, an employee of the big mall, and Ryan, a modest painter and former lawyer. The two are not of the same social class and I like love stories like that. Ryan helps his aunt to save her Christmas shop but is unaware that Heather has unwittingly signed the store's closing. Friend for Christmas, in a combination of circumstances Ryan found himself to be the Santa Claus of the store because of the unavailability of the one who did it. Molly therefore makes her wish and at the beginning Ryan is not more excited than that but following his multiple "hazardous" encounters with Heather and the advice of his aunt and other vendors at the mall, he decides to try his luck with her. And Ryan and the little hassles of each that will resurface. And as often the little hassles take over and provoke an argument between the two characters who question themselves and then end up finding each other, a classic Christmas movie scenario. That the end and especially the argument between Heather and Ryan in this film did not please me. Since the beginning of the film the two protagonists fear that the other learns their error: Heather will cause the closing of the store of Ryan's aunt and the latter is afraid that Heather will learn that he has inquired about her in a somewhat intimate way. From an objective point of view, if we compare the two errors, Heather's is much more serious: she is going to close Ryan's aunt's shop while the latter has devoted her entire life to him, it would break his heart if it closed, and then there is a notion of money in all this knowing that Ryan has no real truth profession and painter brings in very little. And as far as Ryan's mistake is concerned, it's true that we don't "spy" on people like that, but he was forced to and somehow Molly insisted that he and Heather get together. Closer and even his own entourage one encourages him to inquire about Heather and then who has never spied or asked advice to flirt with a girl, it is not so serious when you think about it. So logically it is Ryan who should be mad at Heather at the end of the argument for what she did. Well unfortunately let me tell you that it's the opposite that will happen: it's Heather who will be furious with Ryan! You may be asking me how it happened and well I'll tell you by analyzing the argument. It starts when Santa Claus from the mall is still absent and asks Ryan to replace him once again, shortly before Ryan had learned that Heather had signed the shop closed by looking at her aunt's mail. He then dresses up as Santa Claus and meets Heather by chance in a shop she is surprised to see Ryan as Santa Claus and Ryan wants to speak with she of this closing of the toy store, the two go outside and the argument begins: Ryan shows the mail to Heather and reads it aloud in front of her, Heather immediately understands her mistake and aunt to justify herself like her can. At this moment Ryan totally dominates the debate as he is the victim and Heather is a little head down knowing that her mistake could be fatal to her. But a completely unexpected turn of events will happen and that is why I didn't like this argument. Continuing the argument Ryan will mention Molly for a moment for a reason that I forget and when Heather hears Molly's name she remembers that the latter had made a wish for her at Santa Claus and since she had seen Ryan as Santa Claus before the argument she understands that Ryan was the Santa Claus Molly was talking to. Heather asks Ryan since when he has been Santa Claus, he answers that he started a year ago. Week which goes back to the day Molly made her wish, Heather now knows that Ryan seduced her from the beginning. And from that moment everything changes: Heather totally dominates the debate now and it is now Ryan who starts to bagayer and to justify himself. Totally unpredictable turn of events we thought that it was Ryan who was in good cause but he made a revealing slip on Molly which is fatal to him Heather has now taken the upper hand in this argument she commence to raise his voice and harass Ryan with questions. Lawyer but painter. Ryan replied that he wouldn't think Heather would be satisfied with just a painter and said that they both made a mistake and they both need to forgive each other's mistakes ,and obviously that's where the worst happens because if Ryan forgives Heather for what she did, Heather she does not forgive Ryan saying that she no longer trusts him and that she is not sure it works between them, she calls him a liar and then leaves, leaving Ryan distraught by what has just happened. Clearly is Heather? And then why does Heather not forgive Ryan? Now it's Ryan who's going to have to apologize to Heather and I can't stand the idea, Ryan has nothing to reproach anyone with finding out about a person you're in love with and then being forced to do it. Heather gets off very well she closes the aunt's business and blames Ryan it sucks, the fact that Heather "won" this argument is insane she was clearly the most wrong. But the end is worse: now that Heather hates Ryan we could say to ourselves that she will let the store close, well no and those for no reason really she does it but there is no triggering event she just looks at a drawing and told herself to save the shop, it's nonsense 2 minutes before she told her family that Ryan was just a dirty liar and that she didn't want to hear from him anymore but just by looking at a drawing from Molly she decides to help Ryan it's WTF. She manages to save the store by offering them a partnership with another store and when she and Ryan meet for the end it is once again Ryan who passes for the salot : he even told his aunt that Heather hated him like he forced himself to pretend to be the culprit and he apologized to Heather at the end but Heather....didn't don't excuse! It's crazy, the woman is always right in her films where what!? She ever thought once that she hurt Ryan and her aunt? No argument, no end, the man is still the idiot and it annoys me the only positive point is the reversal of the situation I did not understand at all that Heather hates Ryan but otherwise it sucks .I apologize for this long criticism but you have to stop making women look like victims in your films, they can do anything and everything as long as they are women they will be right! Rage about it but otherwise the film is nice I invite you to see it.
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