Fort Yuma Gold
6 May 2023
Confederate Major Sanders (Jacques Sernas), continues fighting the North after the conclusion of the American Civil War. Former Rebel Gary Diamond (Giuliano Gemma), now a guide, leads a pair of Union soldiers to obstruct Sanders before he can pull off a raid on Fort Yuma. However the others are unaware that Diamond knows that one of the Union officers is actually Sanders' spy. More complications ensue, pairing Diamond with the aptly named saloon-girl Connie Breastful (Sophie Daumier). Later Diamond is found to be a traitor and is tortured severely before Sanders' plot is foiled.

Giuliano Gemma plays a stalwart hero in a western that has an interesting storyline with enough action to keep spaghetti westerns fans happy, however it never lifts itself above average. The plot can be complicated, thus confusing. There's bizarre scene where Gemma is staked out in the desert so the sun can burn out his eyes; a fishnet-like material is placed over his head with eye holes cut out. Which leads to a protracted sequence where he's pretending to be blind in order to escape and continue on his mission. There's an exciting shootout finale in a mine.
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