Down another rabbit hole ...
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Two theories are proposed in this short series: 1) the Americans were somehow involved and knew exactly what happened, and 2) the Russians hijacked the plane and killed everyone onboard. Both are fanciful and lack any convincing evidence.

For the grieving father Ghislaine Wattrelos, I can understand why he would grasp at any straw, any story that is fed to him. He lost his wife and only two young children. The man is devastated, without knowing why, and so any explanation is tempting.

For the aviation journalist Jeff Wise, his hypothesis is so far-fetch as to be comical. He evens admits that he would be ridiculed for publicly espousing his claims. I don't think he's doing it maliciously; but a great mystery can bring out strange behaviors.

And so we end up with a bizarre situation in which a self-proclaimed adventurer Blaine Gibson becomes the only person to find most of the debris supposedly from MH370. Is he dishonest? No idea. Anything is possible at this point, I feel.

This leads us to the third and last hypothesis. I won't spoil it here. But it's a doozy.

Netflix has given us another entertaining documentary if nothing else. I don't know what happened to MH370, but I'm pretty sure all those passengers are dead. RIP.
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