Believe it or not somethings not right ?
14 April 2023
I watched this series and read these negative reviews with many sighting conspiracy theories yet telling their own . Every theory is going to be a conspiracy.theory because nothing has ever been found , Even the narrative that it went down in the Indian Ocean is only a theory because there is no real proof . Some theories make sense because there is so much not being told . 2 Malaysian 777s gone within 4 months . One shot down and the other disappears ? Now theres a conspiracy right there ?? Wreckage washes ashore exactly where some guy was told to look where no other person living there found anything and finds some pieces of a plane yet no personal items just a few plane parts ?? I could go on but you get my meaning that many things dont add up and if anything , ,whether they are extreme or not , there is absolutly no wreckage that has been substansiated . So its worth watching and make up your own mind to what you think but in my book there is definetly some sort of cover up involved.
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