What's not to like??? It's Fantastic!
6 April 2023

Initially, I watched with some trepidation. Having read numerous reviews saying how disappointing it was.

Various critics marked the film down due to having "no story", "bad acting", "slow paced" etc etc.

This is utter nonsense!

The film was, of course, visually stunning! Everything was vibrant, scenes alive with colour.

You 'felt' the alienness of it all.

Yes, the story was quite simple. It picks up where the first film left off. The Sky People are back for vengeance and more!

Does it really need more plot than that!

Of course not!

This is not Shakespeare folks!

It's pure imaginative fantasy with plenty of action to keep you entertained for 3 hours and 12 minutes - which, by the way, seemed like half the time.

And as for the so-called slow moments... Well actually, thats where there was more of a story - if you have the eyes to see it.

How the Na'vi have that symbiotic connection to the whole of the planet and how it's crucial to their survival.

How the invading humans have no understanding, or empathy of that connection, which incidentally is worth more than any mineral or whatever they can harvest for profit... if only they had the eyes and the common sense to see it.

Fact. It is actually another form of the Gaia Principle many believe in on our Earth, as proposed by James Lovelock back in 1972, suggesting that: "living organisms on our planet interact with their surrounding inorganic environment to form a synergetic and self-regulating system that created, and ultimately maintains, the climate and biochemical conditions that make life on Earth possible".

Now that's what I call a story!

Back to the film... The CGI is fantastic!

The action is breathtaking!

The acting and story is absolutely fine for this genre of movie.

James Cameron also has a bit of fun here and there referencing his previous movies. And why not?

Go see this movie.

Watch with uncritical eyes.

Enjoy the exhilarating ride.

After all.... Thats what movies are for!!!!
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