His Only Son (2023)
Don't go at night or you will have trouble staying awake.
3 April 2023
I am a supporter of this movie and Angel studios with my money. Did you think lowering expectations prior to the film by letting us know how little money was spent on the production. So let's get to it. My biggest disappointment was Abraham and Sarah. Not saying Sarah was not a good actress. The main point of the only son of Abraham was how old he was! Wasn't he and Sarah about 98 years old when Isaac was born?? That is why the only son is such a big deal - he can't just go have another one by a way past child bearing years Sarah. A 30 something year old Sarah giving birth, and the 40 something year old Sarah sending him off with a middle aged Abraham. Why? I kept asking myself throughout the film... WHY? The miracle of God was evident by the age of Abraham and Sarah giving birth. Casting Isaac as what I kept thinking was a teenage Elvis Presley was my second major disappointment. Please. Please put more thought into some reasonable attempt at realism. This young man was no one's mental image of a Jewish Isaac.

Now that being out of the way... the dialog and pace of Abraham actor was painfully slow. Next movie some intensity please on a main character that is central to the entire project. I told my wife that a 3 day journey to Mount Moriah by an obviously very aged Abraham would have made for many opportunities to add drama. I appreciated the attempt to add drama and excitement during that 3 day journey. A surround sound booming "Abraham" spoken by God right at the critical moment would have been excellent and gripping at the point on Mount Moriah. You know which one I mean. There should have been and could have been many more events to keep the audience interested and engaged.

This could have been written and directed so much better. I so hope that the producers read these honest reviews. Really... I want more films and projects like this! I believe in the mission! My deep longing is that someone is able to make a feature film of Revelation 21. I know it would involve an epic amount of CGI. Rainbow around the throne and a depart from me I never knew you moment. That could change the world if you guys can do this! At the end credits put a QR code on the screen and reap converts.

I am a financial supporter of The Chosen , which is wonderfully written and acted. I also supported His Only Son. Please producers accept these reviews and take them as instructive. You have a huge base wanting more of this content - but only if done more like The Chosen in quality.
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