11 March 2023
Well that was way more fun than I was expecting! "student film, micro budget, coming out movie, gen z" Potentially a disaster for a middle-aged white guy who typically leans into action adventure stuff right?

BUT, I do appreciate a good story, well-told. And I also appreciate it when the passion for a project really comes across on the screen. And this project does not disappoint. At all.

First the story. It always starts with the script, and this one is well written. I had a little difficulty with the timeline from time to time but I found the dialog and authenticity of the performances super-engaging. And the overall honesty in capturing the time and place was touching and enlightening all at once.

Stylistically I was also impressed. The use of animation to support the story, add an element of humor, color transitions and generally provide some relief from what could otherwise feel really awkward at times was terrific. It was an effect that surprised me at first and then I came to look forward to as the story progressed. Really well-done.

A little Napoleon Dynamite, a little Juno all wrapped up in a sweet movie. Odd ball at times, very engaging performances and a ton of pay-off for any and all investment in the image on the screen. (It was well-shot too.)

Great job y'all.
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