10 March 2023
An absolute tragedy of a documentary series, led by a supposed journalist IN AVIATION.

Wise may as well be wearing a shiny, pointy tinfoil hat for his plethora of insane conspiracy theories and compatriots in Ghyslain, Dose' (Ghyslain's attorney), some TOMNOD volunteer (the group has been discredited for publishing nonsensical claims with absolutely zero evidence) who felt appointed to do this because she has 'an eye for detail) and some lunatic French 'journalist' who seem to spur each other on, chasing fringe theory after fringe theory, pointing fingers at anything that will hold still long enough to cast blame upon.

I sincerely hope every one of these idiots is sued into oblivion for defamation and slander.

I'm sorry the plan of souls was lost and these families weren't able to put their loved ones to rest; however blathering on and on with demonstrably false information pointing fingers at anyone that suits them, falling into crazy rabbit holes that lead absolutely nowhere other than to other people/countries/theories.

The white 'specks', the electronics supposedly turning off, people 'planting' debris, supposed crash site in Siberia, random AWACs (not just one BUT TWO), a guy goes on his own to help and looks for debris and finds some so he's obviously a Russian spy, then the pilot is supposedly an unhinged suicidal lunatic, then depressurization surely happened, then they've got all the answers and the government is wrong, but THEY HAVE ZERO ANSWERS, but whoops, 'we forgot to mention we are making millions selling books and making appearances' and it's painful.

Thank God for the minuscule amount of people with a lick of sense that will call these loons out and discredit their baloney. It's such a shame it took until the very end of 3 episodes to finally hear substantial voices of reason.

Save yourself the time and incredible amount of frustration and just watch about the last 20 minutes of episode three and skip the rest of you feel the need to watch this steaming pile.
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