Feels Like I Just Spent 3 Hours on Twitter
9 March 2023
Horrible docuseries. Thank God Mike Exner agreed to participate and save it from devolving into a complete conspiracy theory fest. Mark Dickinson of Inmarsat and Pete Foley also lent sanity to the series, albeit for only the few seconds of interview time Netflix thought it appropriate to include. Even Blaine Gibson (who I admittedly assumed would be one of the nuttier personalities) was one of the few more rational voices.

I feel for these families. Really, I do. But it's clear that some of them are struggling so much with their grief and with not having answers that they're buying into far-fetched theories they would likely never have entertained 15 years ago. I hope they're given closure one day but the idea that this was some global conspiracy involving no less than 3 major countries to take down your average commercial flight is not going to give it to them. And shame on The Intercept's de Changy who's profiting like a MFer off both this tragedy and the heartbreak of the victims' families.

I agree we need answers but none of the ridiculous conspiracies posited in this docuseries is a plausible explanation.

I would have much preferred a FACTUAL docuseries focusing on the accident itself, the investigation that followed, and the 239 souls lost. I mean, you could have just interviewed Mike Exner, Mark Dickinson, and Pete Foley. Hell, you had them right there. I would have loved to hear their theories about what happened.
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