Well Rounded Film with a Zombie Motif
5 March 2023
This film is hard to categorize. It has comedy with some truly funny moments, heart-felt drama, and horror all rolled into one movie. Many unexpected circumstances and twists and turns arise along the way that keep us involved. Human elements arise that are universal, cutting to the core of being human, which certainly reflect our present day realities... distrust of the media, being in denial of our true selves to fearfully denying a loved one. Writer, producer, director Adam William Cahill did a masterful job. The characters were multi-dimensional and Luke Corcoran, Tadhg Devery, Marybeth Herron, and Luke Collins got it right, along with great cinematography and lighting. One scene stands out. Robbie comes home to a dark house and makes his way to the fuse box. The lighting on his face was magnificent. The film is well worth a look whether you are into zombie films or not.
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