Jackpot (1960)
When the average man could afford a football ticket.
18 February 2023
Jackpot (1960) -

I only took the opportunity to watch this film, because the 'Talking Pictures' channel had called it a rare and lost film, but perhaps it should have stayed wherever it was.

However, I thought that it would be unjust to turn it off too quickly, as it was only an hour and ten minutes long, but I definitely considered it.

And for such a short film it was surprisingly very slow in places, as if there wasn't enough story to fill even the one hour and ten minutes.

It was also not particularly exciting, the story was just so lacklustre.

At least William Hartnell in his police role of Superintendent Frawley could act, most of the others were pretty wooden.

I'd actually say that it was probably a bit too simplistic and it could easily have been an episode of 'Frawley', a TV series, because it didn't have enough going on to make it worth a film budget or a silver screen, but might have been acceptable as a feature length episode of 'The Bill' (1984-2010) or something similar.

Personally I thought that it should be sent back to where it came from, rare or not. I certainly won't be watching it again.

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