I don't like this movie.
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Killer is One of 13 is a Spanish thriller film, in which a woman invites 13 guests to her remote home in the Spanish countryside for a dinner party. However, she invited them there not for fun and games: but because she suspects that one of them murdered her husband. The guests are murdered one-by-one and it is up to the remaining guests to figure out the killer's identity before he (or she) strikes again.

To start, Javier Aguirre's direction is competent, but plain and sometimes it feels rather rushed. The plot is an obvious rip-off of And Then There Were None, and unlike that movie, the characters are anything but compelling. The various scenes of dialogue are bland and uninspired, and the tensions are not well-executed. In addition, there are way too many red herrings. The script gives the actors nothing to work with, and the acting ranges from adequate to poor. The scenes of passionate kissing seems like a poorly developed excuse to extend the film's running time.

The sets are quite beautiful, and it is obvious that the film's budget is up to scratch. But, apparently the film's budget wasn't enough to buy some fake blood because there are a few drops of blood used in this film.

In terms of pacing, the film struggles immensely in that regard. After over an hour of pointless scenes, we get to the murders. In a three-minute period, there are three separate murders.

In short, this film does have a few good points, but the film is a bore overall and seems like it lasts much longer than it actually does.
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