More to the woman than to the pop culture phenomenon
6 February 2023
I learned something watching PAMELA, A LOVE STORY, namely that there's more to the woman than there is to the pop culture phenomenon. That was the first of many surprises this engaging and thought-provoking documentary offers.

Adjusting for the fact that the documentary intentionally presents Pamela Anderson in the most flattering possible light, one still must acknowledge her steely strength, intelligence, and vulnerability, which are displayed through the woman's own recollections and the words of contemporaneously composed journals. That she hands these journals in their entirety to the filmmakers and says, "You have my permission" is an extraordinary act of bravery and adds credibility to her sometimes traumatic story.

Americans are simultaneously avaricious and Victorian about sexuality, and Anderson made a career out of exploiting that dynamic with great self assurance. This fact alone has led many to conclude that she deserves whatever she gets in return.

Yes, Anderson wears her sexuality on her sleeve. Yes, she has few regrets about her choices. And yes, she was sexually exploited (Tommy Lee, too) in a horrific and unthinkable way when a private, explicit videotape was stolen and marketed globally. Those contradictory things can be and are all true. Further, the well documented, callous victim shaming in which many engaged to defend this crime is thoroughly exposed for precisely what it is.

It should go without saying that when you take away someone's agency and exploit them in such a deeply personal way, it's tantamount to a public rape. The facts are laid out plainly on the table, and concluding as much is inescapable.

PAMELA, A LOVE STORY boldly underscores the importance of consent, correctly distinguishing between Anderson's own self empowerment and the psychosexual violence perpetrated against her. In so doing, it rightly questions the notion of people as public property. Should the price of renown be so high? Does the public's desire to know override the privacy needs and humanity of the celebrities who entertain us?

This documentary, however, goes far beyond salacious public scandals. Anderson's story brings the entirety of the woman into focus, highlighting her courage, tenacity, and surprising talent. It also paints a picture of a dedicated mother whose love for her sons is boundless.

I was never particularly a fan of Pamela Anderson and, like many, allowed my opinion of her to be informed by entertainment media. While her work still isn't to my taste, I now recognize that she is worthy of respect, entitled to her dignity, and deserving of her fame. It appears that making this very point was the goal she had in mind when she consented to lay bare, for all to see, the facts as she lived them.

Congratulations, Pamela, on a job well done.
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