Strong Thriller
5 February 2023
William Sylvester is a blind man. He's also a successful composer of pop hits, because serious music doesn't pay enough. He's married to Barbara Shelley, who's carrying on an affair with Alexander Davion, a painter who's barely keeping his head above water. Miss Shelley refuses to leave her husband, because she's grown used to the luxuries he can buy her. She says that if Davion kills Sylvester, he can have her and Sylvester's half million pounds. He says that he draws the line at murder. However, Sylvester's friend and producer, Mark Eden, lets him know he's spotted the two of them at a cozy restaurant, so Miss Shelley has to lie her head off to assuage her husband's supicions, and cut off Davion.

It's a nice script, with a couple of twists in the third act, and well acted, particularly by Sylvester. A couple of nice pop numbers by Stan Butcher and Syd Cordell fill out the ambience, and Elizabeth Shepherd is present as Sylvester's secretary, who loves him hopelessly. Director Lance Comfort does a good job with a strong script.
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