The Menu (2022)
Not Michelin star
29 January 2023
I had high hopes for this movie, the cast, the trailer and the concept had me intrigued. In my head I set high expectations, these were however not fully met.

Upon watching the movie I didn't lose focus at all, however it did become a little predictable for me ( apart from the stupidity nearing the end of it). No spoilers here, but it went downhill with the conclusion for me. So much more could have been done here to make it more believable. Yes, I know it is fictitious, but a few tweaks could have made it a more satisfying watch overall.

The acting is great and it does take you on an enjoyable ride for the most part. If you are a fan of cookery, quirky and interesting movie ideas that are a break from the norm, then I think you'll enjoy it.
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