Doctors without borders, sort of.
25 January 2023
My overall impression, now that I have watched it, is that it is rated a bit high for what it is. The premise is interesting and the location, the French Polynesian Islands, in the South Pacific halfway between Australia and Peru, is extremely photogenic. But the whole movie plays out like a long soap opera episode. By that I mean almost all of it involves relationship conversations between two people. Frankly too much of that and too little attention to possible side stories.

It starts with a young bride being virtually left at the altar. She is in her wedding dress when her fiancee tells her he won't go through with the wedding, he doesn't think they are really best for each other.

The lady is a physician, when another doctor has to cancel his four-week volunteer trip she decides to fill in for him. It is a good choice, it should help her get past her breakup.

Big problem. When she gets to the overseas location she finds out her ex-fiancee's identical twin brother, a dentist, is on the same assignment, they will both be staying in the coordinator's house. Along with a lady ophthalmologist from New Zealand.

The title of this movie pretty much tells us where it will go but we don't know what all will be involved in getting there. My wife and I watched it on FreeTV via Prime streaming, we found it to be a mostly entertaining and interesting diversion, however in reality not that good a movie. Too much talking, talking, and talking about feelings and fictional relationships.
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