Review of Velma

Velma (2023– )
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I'd think of a clever tag line for the title, but this is just so direly awful that I don't want to waste any more time on it than I have to.

Generally speaking, I don't mind "re-imaginings". But lately, things have been getting out of hand in that area and Velma is one of the more egregious examples of it.

See, they made a Scooby Doo spin-off series and reimagined it without Scooby Doo. As if that weren't bad enough, they then reimagined all the characters as ethnically diverse versions of the originals, with the exception of Fred, because they needed a milk-white dude to mock endlessly. Then they reimagined all the character's personalities to be completely different than they originally were. Finally, they reimagined the wholesome nature of the original shows to be a dreary high school coming-of-age "comedy". Then they added what they undoubtedly think are gritty and relevant observations about modern life, storytelling tropes and conventions and then threw in a bit of cartoon semi-nudity for good measure.

The result doesn't even merit the term trash because, as any tramp will tell you, you can find things of value in the trash sometimes. Velma has nothing of value. It will not enrich the Scooby Doo IP. It will be the modern version of Scrappy Doo, which memory tells me was hated back in the day. But compared to this, Scrappy Doo seems like a phenomenal addition to the IP.

I can honestly not think of anything positive to say about it. It's loud, thinks it is far smarter than it actually is, and I had to physically jam my hands under my butt to stop myself from reaching for the remote every minute or two.

The supposedly witty observations about storytelling conventions have about the same level of edginess as that old uncle you never invite to family gatherings anymore. You know the one I mean... that guy who thinks he still looks good in leather trousers at 60? That is the level of self-awareness this show strives for... embarrassing old man unaware that people are laughing at him, not with him.

Velma just sucks. Please let it be cancelled swiftly.

SUMMARY: Someone who only had Scooby Doo explained to them by another person who had never watched the show, decided to make a Scooby Doo spinoff series. Don't waste you time.
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