A Holiday Spectacular (2022 TV Movie)
Life is not about pleasing others
6 January 2023
7.4 stars.

A woman in the 1950's follows her dream to be a dancer to the chagrin of her parents.

How often is life just like this movie? When people followed their dreams 70 years ago, were these the repercussions? How much can I glean from this story and apply to my own life today? If I followed my dreams as a youngster, where would I be now? I ask myself these questions all the time, and the inevitable answer is that I truly believe in my heart we do what we do to survive, we are where we are because that's what works best for us. You can attribute a small percentage to luck, or some other coincidences if you like, and maybe your life would be different, but would it?

I'd like to believe that we all do what we feel we need to do to be happy. Why do some people take risks and others don't? If you think it's because some people have more courage than others, I'd say you are probably wrong.

Good movie though.
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