The Detectives: The Bad Eye of Rose Rosetti (1960)
Season 1, Episode 22
The Bad Eye of Rose Rosetti
4 January 2023
Rose Rosetti is an Italian widow regarded as a kind of witch doctor to give curses or get rid of them.

Guido won a court case against Rose, now he fears bad luck. In fact a freak accident puts Guido into hospital.

The local Italian neighbourhood are up in arms over Rose Rosetti's evil eye.

Lt John Russo is sent to talk to Rose, she confides in him that she gave no curse but the resulting furore is good for business.

Russo also ends up in hospital because of a freak accident.

Maybe Captain Matt Holbrook can placate the mob. He'll need to use some cunning and the police radio to do it.

After some heavy duty action in the previous episodes. The Detectives do comedy, this is a light relief episode. There would had been a few Rose Rosetti's in immigrant neighbourhoods, even these days.
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