Good, but not in the same league as the previous two Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series
2 January 2023
Following on from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and The Return of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes continues to solve crimes in his own inimitable fashion. He is ably assisted by his friend Dr Watson.

The third Sherlock Holmes series to star Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes. The first series, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, was brilliant. Quite easily the definitive adaption of the novels as it replicated the Victorian England setting and atmosphere so perfectly. The plots were solid and character engagement was good. The engagement levels were aided by the fantastic performances of Jeremy Brett.

The second series, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, was also great but not quite as good as the first series. Most of the ingredients were still there but it didn't quite have the darkness, grittiness, tension and engagement levels of The Adventures Of so brilliant. It just felt less polished.

The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes started very well and seemed a worthy follow-up to those two excellent series. However, from a point the episodes get weaker and weaker, as if all the best stories had been taken and the producers were happy to adapt any Sherlock Holmes story into an episode. Some very odd plots, culminating in the final episode which was pure style over substance.

Jeremy Brett also isn't quite in the same form as he was in the first two series, further diminishing the quality.

All in all it's okay but nowhere as good as the first two series.
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