2 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thought this was a decent series. I had watched almost 3 episodes a while back and forgot because when I know I'm falling asleep I'll just put something random on. Then I was watching Vikings and looked up one of the actors and they're in this so long story short I rewatched from the beginning. I may post spoilers.. First thing I will say is I loved Mabel Li? She played a great villainess. The story wasn't hashed out enough. Like everything today we know little about any of the characters. Events just happen upon and then things happen from there but we know little of the characters. We know they dig for gold. We know one dated a white woman that was murdered etc, etc and then we find out it was an accident? She fell? And were to believe he cut the gold out of her stomach but she was bleeding before that? In several flash backs it showed that? But he didn't know she was pregnant? Also it showed her in the woods meeting but in one flash back it shows her on a beach and was asked if she was ok and it looked like she may have been bleeding then? They were going to execute a white man for the crime but were worried just to tell what really happened? Idk. Lots of unbelievable things but I did enjoy it the story just needed to be fleshed out better. It was better than 95% of everything of recent that's come out and the new thing were they just tell random bits and pieces and don't do any character building seems the " new" way now.
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