Kenshi Gets A Time To Shine In An Otherwise Okay Title
26 October 2022
Set decades after Liu Kang defeats Shao Kahn and Sjinnok, the Earthrealm has become a wasteland after revenants begin to lay waste to the realm. However, this has not stopped Kano, who has survived the events of Scorpion's Revenge and has become a cyborg, to form the Black Dragon and begin to take over the outposts. Kuai Liang, the second Sub-Zero, lives his life as an elderly farmer, and is attacked by three members of the Black Dragon, Kabal, Kira, and Kobra. However, trying to take over a new outpost for their own, the three are stopped by a boy named Kenshi Takahashi, who came to the town seeking a fight. After being nearly killed by Tremor, Kenshi is tricked by Shang Tsung, who serves under Kano, to release the souls of his ancestors to gain a sword, leaving the warrior blinded, he must help Kuai overcome a past event that has driven the Lin Kuei ninja to a solitary life to fight the Black Dragon and end King Kano's rule over the wasteland.

Loosely based on Kenshi's backstory in Deadly Alliance, this movie decides to go a new direction, going for a post-apocalypse setting a la Mad Max, as Kano and the Black Dragon ride vehicles similar to that movie franchise. Other than Sub-Zero, Kano, and Shang Tsung, no other characters from the last two films appear (other than a statue of Liu Kang), as the story focuses on Kenshi and Sub-Zero battling against the Black Dragon, which contain fan favorites like Kano and Kabal to more obscure characters like Kobra, Kira, and even No Face (who was only seen in the lackluster Special Forces as a boss character). However, like Battle of the Realms, which had Li Mei and D'Vorah on Shao Kahn's side, this movie adds in other characters to fill the ranks of Kano's crew (two of the most notable being Ferra/Torr and Erron Black), which will confuse those who don't know Mortal Kombat Legends is separate from the games.

As the characters go, they have been redesigned, with Kobra needing it the most (so people can stop calling him a Ken Masters rip-off), and Kano is rocking the cybernetic body and orange mohawk. However, this movie is not as good as the last two, as most of the plot is Sub-Zero playing Mr. Miyagi to a blind Kenshi, and while the movie retains the blood and gore, it seems to be there mainly for random moments, with only few moments where it mattered in the story. I think it's an okay movie, but the anti-apocalypse setting and the lackluster story weighs it down hard.
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