Review of Bros

Bros (I) (2022)
Disappointment so average
21 October 2022
My Reviews. - Review Bros

My Rating 6/10

Bros is the latest LGBTQI rom com movie with some amusing moments some interesting brief cameos from Harvey Fierstein as Louis and Debra Messing as herself some eye candy from Luke Macfarlane as Aaron the buff half of this romantic duo . Unfortunately his other half Bobby played by Billy Eichner who co wrote Bros with the Director Nicholas Stoller is one of the most irritating gay characters I've seen on screen in a long while.

It's Billy the character I found annoying not Billy Eichner because the character is far to "woke ". I'm saying that as a mature age gay man that has experienced much of the LGBTQI history that Bobby Leiber constantly refers to preserving in the movie . I'm probably out of synch with terms like Cisgender, Gender Variant, Gender fluid and all the other current correct pronouns .

The plot is understandably simple for a rom-com it revolves Bobby Leiber, a born and bred New Yorker who hosts a queer history podcast called 11th Brick (because as a cis white gay man that's probably the brick he'd have thrown at Stonewall) .

Billy as the director of the first national LGBTQ history museum is raising money for The LGBTQI plus History Museum in New York . His passion is LGBTQI + history and is passionate about the lack of truth in historical characters and what he perceives to be there "gayness" characters like President Abraham Lincoln.

Billy meets his opposite in temperament and physical appearance handsome Aaron and the differences in their interests and social compatibility threaten to end their most important togetherness gift which is they make each other happy.

Bros has been heavily marketed as the first American gay romantic comedy from a major studio featuring an entirely LGBTQ principal cast (though Fire Island (2022) -also an gay romantic comedy from a major studio featuring an LGBTQ principal cast -was released earlier in the same year .

Fire Island did not get a full theatrical release like Bros and in my opinion is a much better movie with more believable characters .

I hope this film succeeds as we do need more LGBTQI movies for our community to relate to unfortunately I was disappointed with this movie as I found there was to much emphasis on political correctness and more joke less woke was needed.

If the Producers are just targeting an LGBTQI plus audience that's ok but I doubt very much that there is much in this movie for a wider audience which is where our stories should be inclusive .

Perhaps it our LGBTQI culture in Australia that's different to America ,perhaps I just missed the point ? But Bros just didn't hit my funny bone at all.
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