Engaging Father Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Not bad.
11 October 2022
A Family For The Holidays (Engaging Father Christmas) (2) (2017) -

While I really didn't mind this film and it was an appropriate sequel and at least one of the better made of the genre, it was a bit samey and the lead, Miranda was so whiney, again!! And really annoying too, because she made a lot of the drama for herself through silly unrealistic choices.

Niall Matter playing Ian was as lovely as he was in the last film and I genuinely believed that Miranda was getting the better detail in the relationship, because he was so versatile and interesting while she was very one dimensional.

The supporting cast were generally acceptable, with the exception of the Splenda children, but they had such little screen time that it wasn't too offensive.

All of the other elements appeared to have had enough of a budget given to them and I liked the real snow. It's so obvious when they use the foam stuff that just cakes their boots with clouds of white sticky stuff like no snow I've ever seen.

A suitable follow on, but it didn't really add enough and I felt that without seeing the first it didn't really stand alone. It also seemed as if they had increased the importance of Miranda's father in the eyes of the world to build this story, where he was a lesser known stage actor in the first, he suddenly had a following in this.

I'm sure that I will watch it again though, because Niall was just so sexy.

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