Even the Coffee can't help the Dream of Tom!
7 October 2022
I usually see this cartoon and others that are set at night for one reason only, at this time the detail is more appreciated and the night backgrounds do not damage the eyes so much, but the cartoon is really very simplistic in its concept , although the Execution was quite good and has enough gags to be hilarious.

Tom, after having spent the whole afternoon with his Friends, arrives at the House exhausted to the point that he cannot take a step without falling, Mammy (a bit mean this time) forces Tom to stay awake and take care of the Mice's house, but Tom can't help but fall asleep, so Jerry takes the opportunity to torment his adversary!.

The Plot is Simple and you can devise and execute it in 5 minutes, there is nothing Really amazing about the writing, but the Execution was what led this cartoon to become one of my favorites of the Tom and Jerry produced in the 50s , it has a steady pace and the gags are executed quickly (but not so fast that they are unexpected and unfunny) but are executed boldly and with a great deal of humor, as another reviewer said, this is a cartoon one joke, but it really is funny.

The Animation was completely Excellent, the Night Backgrounds were pleasant to look at, the house is very well drawn and the design of Tom and Jerry (including Mammy's) is certainly nice and classic, it also helps that the movements look fluid and with great attention to detail (backgrounds have that too) but all in all, Tom and Jerry at their Really Best.

The Music is Fun, Calming and Calm, Never Terrible, It is Relaxing and occasionally gets fast and energetic, but usually has a calm and normal rhythm, it is pleasant enough to listen to and enjoy, another effort well done from Scott Bradley!.

It may not be the most Original or the best of the duo, but it is really captivating and energetic to the point of being considered a classic, a good cartoon, it has good Animation and music, it also has enough gags to be entertaining, don't expect a slow pace, everything happens fast!, but not to the point of being rushed.

Sleepy Time Tom is a Good Cartoon, it has a simple but well-executed premise, it really does not disappoint and easily entertains, it is not boring and much less Bad, it is an excellent cartoon to enjoy at night (it would not be so interesting during the day) but inside All in all, highly recommended.

For everything I said before, this cartoon gets a deserved 10.
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