OK but unnecessary - the show is better
5 October 2022
When Louise discovers a body in a sinkhole in front of the restaurant, the family gets involved in a mystery that could lead to the final closure of Bob's Burgers. The movie version of the popular show is fine but, not surprisingly, little effort was made to develop the well-established characters, so anyone not familiar with the TV show may find the film neither engaging nor particularly humourous (Bob talking to food is a long running gag that would be lost on neophytes). The plot is a retread of the season 4 double-episode 'Wharfhorse/The Wharfening', which I thought were funnier and better written than was the movie. There was too much singing, especially at the end, and the dancing cartoon characters quickly got tiresome (especially Grover Fischoeder). Many of the musical interludes in the TV show are fun, clever, and catchy (notably the Bob-Louise duet in 'Glued, where's my Bob') but the film's songs were too long and burned though time that could have been better used to bring in more of the show's plethora of quirky characters (there was too much Grover, too little Marshmallow). The voice talent is as good as always and I doubt that most fans of the show will really dislike the movie incarnation but many, like me, may be a bit disappointed.
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