An Argentinian Pastiche.
4 October 2022
This Argentinian slasher flick is a bit of a pastiche, with homages to Argento, and the 90s classic Popcorn, among others.

It all takes place in a cinema in Montevideo during the last matinee screening of the day.

A young college student mans the reigns of the projector for her ailing father, during a screening attended by one sleeping old man, and a handful of kids...all of whom end up being stalked by a knife wielding maniac.

Using all real special effects, there are a bunch of simple, yet gory, kills.

Nothing overly creative, though.

The hooded killer could be aptly termed "the gouger"...but we are never told why he has gone postal...other than to assume he's just a mentally ill sociopath hellbent on murder, and, perhaps, a little hungry.

The whole thing is kind of fun, but leaves something to be desired.

Particularly the ending...which is incredibly anti-climactic, and rather rushed.

Overall, it's all rather mediocre...but the filmmakers do seem to set themselves up for a sequel, anyways.

Personally, i'd be ok with it dying here as a one off..but it is what it is.

4.5 out of 10.
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