really good early bogie
4 October 2022
Humphrey bogart and bill halop are frank and john, out on the town, robbing gas stations. But things go wrong, and it's everyone for themself. And they left fred's gun at the scene! Fred was planning on marrying john's sister, but now it's all a big mess. Who's going to take the rap for a murder? Pretty good suspense. Who's going to do the right thing? Anyone? Anyone? Is there honor among thieves? Will the truth come out before it's too late? Good stuff. Most of bogey's films are really good. He did dark victory after this one. You'll recognize rochester anderson as one of the prisoners by his distinctive voice; was on the jack benny show for years. Film directed by lew seiler. Halop died young at 56. Bogie died at 57.
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