Single Black Female (2022 TV Movie)
Very, very bad, ends up being fun (for all the wrong reasons)
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kind of knew what to expect. Low rating and the fact it's the remake (to some extent) of a much superior 1992 classic (Single White Female) should be warning enough, however, I just had to check to believe it.

There are way too many plot holes, the biggest being (pun not intended) the fact that Simone managed to drug and somehow carry a big woman from the parking lot to the top floor of the house. Of course, it doesn't stop there. The fact that quite an uncharismatic TV host, the protagonist (Monica), is somehow beloved by the audience and objectively handsome men (think George Constanza and all the women he dated, just reverse the gender). Or how stupid the main protagonist was, she literally was in the house where a dead body was for days, if not weeks, and she didn't even suspect the smell ("Yeah let's check the DVD first, it has to be something important"). Her mother is even worse and seems to be a plain horrible person.

Don't get me wrong, much of the cast is also acting stupid, with a possible exception of her best friend, Bebe. But also for her, it took her hours of knowing that Simone killed two people and held hostage her best friend, before calling the police. I almost died laughing when Monica said "Bebe, I am calling 911" when the house was already on fire. She should have said "Bebe, you stupid idiot, we are all gonna die BECAUSE OF YOU!"

I can probably think of something nice. It is a stupid movie, but it's also captivating and fun. Its run time is less than 90 minutes and it's rarely boring. The main antagonist, Simone, played by obviously talented Amber Riley, was an interesting character, and it's kinda easy to sympathise with her, once you get to know her story. Some side characters seem to be fun or nice. The fact that the two main characters are plus-sized is a plus to me, all body types need representation.

But I cannot recommend it unless you want to have some campy fun. If you want a real thriller, watch "the original".
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