Cringy in places
15 August 2022
I am a little disappointed with this family movie. The trailer looked great and i love Walker and Owen, especially teaming up in a movie together. They could've actually been related they look + act so similar, sadly this is a bit of a mess.

The story revolves around Owen being a superhero who's kid finds his secret lair. Not really very secret then if a 12 year old can find it.

There are so many clichés and stereotypes it's ridiculous. There's the done to death absent Father, the cringey one-liners and most annoying of all, a stupid romantic sub-plot. Why do we need a romantic interest for a kid of 12? It just felt uncomfortable.

The special fx are Ok and Walker is charismatic as hoped, but sadly he is alone, as even Owen is rusty here. And please stop putting Michael Pena in movies. He's annoying in nearly everything.

I didn't hate this movie, but it was very cringey and poor story telling for most part.

Looking at the ratings, i see younger viewers enjoyed this more and i have to say, i'm not at all surprised, it really is aimed at kids. So maybe ask a kid if it's it's good instead. But IMO it was not up to scratch.
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