Meh, it's whatever
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it's pretty average, not too good not too bad. It started strong and took a nosedive from there. The Constantine portion of this "film" has the perfect setup and bills itself as an epilogue to Apokalypse War with the same art and voice acting. Perfect! Sounds amazing and sign me up! City of Demons was great and the animation of the DCAU is lightyears better than what they're currently using. Then it takes the nosedive once that setup is done. John wakes up in the House of Mystery with all the good quality animation (and ideas) drained from him! Oh no! He opens a door to everyone he's ever loved in a room saying it's his birthday complete with his own kids he had with Zatana. Then everyone dies like always. John goes through this again and again...and again and again and again and; is this too much? Yeah it felt the same in this too. They show John in a hell loop of average proportions many many times to obviously pad out the episode. Eventually we see the demons he's sold his soul to come to collect and he uses them to break out. Only to come face to face with Specter who put him there in the first place. Wouldn't you know it this wasn't hell it was just made that by himself, whoops! But now the universe has come to collect and nobody can save him. The end. Yeah it wasn't satisfying to watch either, it didn't scratch the itch I had for more Constantine and more quality animation from the DCAU. It was a 25 minute episode of an anthology you didn't know was an anthology till you happened to catch the description after you clicked play. If you like Constantine and the movies he's featured in, you probably should skip this one. I don't have a problem with the themes presented in this but the execution of them was average to maybe even below average. Maybe someday they'll bring the live action show starring Matt Ryan back to a streaming platform and we can enjoy that again. Until then we'll just have to watch the other Constantine films again.

Quick rundown of the other shorts:

Kamandi: it was ok but not my thing. They were all trials to show you that even you too can exemplify the qualities of the lost Man of Steel. Animation was still pretty bad and uninteresting and it felt rushed.

The Losers: no relation to the live action film also on HBO that shares the same name, though equally bad. The animation was the worst of all and honestly so was the plot. I love dinosaurs and even that wasn't enough to save this short. The plot is about an unexplained machine ripping time open and the Chinese agent trying to get her hands on it with the help of the Losers. It's about as well written as that description so that's all you really need. Also a warning, the dog dies. It ends with more of a whimper than a bang by not even showing the other side of the rift.

Blue Beetle: I actually enjoy 50s style Batman and old Scooby Doo that this was clearly modeled after. It's cheesy but if that's what you're into it's fun but the shortest of them all. Plot is as basic as it needs to be for about a 15 minute episode but it gets the job done I guess. It's what honestly earned a point to take this from a 4 out of 10 to a 5 out of 10 for me.
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