12 Citizens (2014)
A gripping "legal drama" that slyly reveals itself to be something profoundly more trenchant and humane..
31 July 2022
Notwithstanding what could only be suspected, perhaps a bit cynically, to be yet another tacked-on and politically-driven final insert shot(sigh.. I can almost feel the script-writers' excitement building upon receiving and scanning through the censor-approved final script, only to dejectedly discover that in the end one fleeting shot "suggestion" could only tie such a fine storyline together with a nice little red bow) still very effectively succeeds as a gripping and unexpectedly humane legal drama. For such pleas for self-awareness and nuanced tolerance to come from a part of our world where some staunchly embrace an aversion to interweaving into it's cultural and legal fabric anything even remotely resembling the "rule of law", makes the presence of this film all the more compelling. By cleverly imagining a scenario that sharply examines both its romantically noble aspirations and its often inherent and inevitably frustrating deficiencies, the filmmakers successfully posit that even a presumably egalitarian and blindly unprejudiced system of dispensing justice must always take into account the vastly capricious and exquisitely imperfect nature of even the most decent, well-meaning and fair-minded human being. This disparate group of strikingly rich and multi-layered personalities are seemingly thrust together and left to their own devices to undertake what in any other film would be a conventionally familiar and painfully predictably clothesline of a narrative, and yet here quite refreshingly we sense these sweaty, claustrophobic and nakedly vulnerable inhabitants claw, cry, contradict and touchingly empathize each of their own storylines with such raw honesty and yet in no way ever neither sacrificing nor stripping each other of their imperishable human dignity.
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