Farzar (2022)
Thoroughly uninspired
15 July 2022
Sincerely, I am not sure why they bothered to make this show.

It is devoid of anything original or engaging.

Make no mistake, there is some top tier talent involved in producing this series; trouble is the final product is simply bad.

While I cannot know what went wrong behind the scenes during the development of Farzar, I can tell you what is wrong with it.

The biggest issue this show faces is that it lacks anything resembling originality.

I quite literally spent the first episode listing all the other shows and movies that were blended to make Farzar.

You see pieces of virtually every recent successful animated comedy series stitched together to make this.

In that sense, this is more like studying a quilt, than watching a sit com.

Other issues involve poor plot construction, poor character design, and exceptionally lame jokes.

I kept watching this show hoping it would get better, but it doesn't and I was not surprised.

The flaws with Farzar are built into its foundation, so cruel as it may sound, this is a show that is destined to fail.

Now, we just wait to see if Netflix will be merciful and provide it a swift death or drag it out into a slow torturous one.
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