Block Party (2022)
garbage - but wait, there's more !
12 July 2022
Block Party (Juneteenth) is the story of a young handsome girl who is at Harvard and her family of mother & father who love each other very much are a very positive influence on her with the HORRIBLE trait of having being just and fair but just a little bit strict.

Because of this, Protagonist feels she needs to do something to stand out in her community.

She decides this will be organizing a Block Party for her Grandmother.

I could just say "this movie is garbage" but i have so much material, i cannot deny my graphomania.

We have a 90 minute film of exclusively ethnically-diverse characters, divided in a tier system where A) all the main roles are black B) all the positive and relevant supporting characters are diverse (asian, LGBT, apache attack helicopter) C) all the white characters are riddled with white guilt D) there is a "villain" who is a white character "culturally appropriating" who even expouses the line "I AM WOKE"

Note that, in case you thought this film had any saving grace, the villain does not conflict with the protagonist.

Also, again according to the tier above: A) every main role is 100% positive. Body positive, LGBT ally, happy, fabulous, affirmed, empowered, satisfied, accomplished, there is one scene where character A confronts the Protagonist, and A says "oh Protagonist, i am confronting you because you did everything so well, i am worried you might think you are too good, which will not be discussed in this film, in fact we are true friends" and Protagonist says "yes i agree we are friends".

B) every supporting character serves to dish out dialogue that supports (heh) the positive traits of the main characters C) every minor, "white" role briefly appears, declares "i am a minor role contained in a bubble" and then ceases to exist without interacting with any other character D) the villainous cultural appropriation is defeated by his own evil (which, turns out, is "performing a legitimate legal activity")

.. you know .. Spike Lee DOES EXIST. We can do better than this. I dont think there is a single black person who envisions this garbage as the world they want to live in. Every character is absurdly perfect, every confrontation is, not - say - "ugh, why does her hair always look perfect, i hate her" (which would already suck), but rather "her hair looks perfect! - other character: YOURS CAN TOO !! *waves magic wand*"

my vote: 4/10 - some of the worst that the woke ideology can throw out.
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