Star Trek: Enterprise: Detained (2002)
Season 1, Episode 21
Archer's curiosity bites him in the butt yet again
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Archer and Mayweather have been detained by the Tandarans, a militaristic group who guard their space jealously, and are terrified of the Suliban.

We learn in this episode that all Suliban aren't alike. After the captain matches so self-righteously up to a Suliban father and daughter doing their laundry, and demands to know how he could dare to do "that" to his daughter, meaning the genetic manipulation that the Suliban Cabal undergo.

As it turns it, they are not part of the Cabal, but that doesn't stop the Tandarans from detaining every Suliban they find, and treating them horribly.

The prison warden is all smiles at first and slowly reveals what a totalitarian dick he is. Really he's like most men who do what he does, he's a scared little boy trying to dominate and control anything he doesn't understand and fears. When diplomacy doesn't work to fool visitors, he'll resort to whatever means he had at his disposal.

In the end, Archer and Mayweather learns a lesson about judging a whole race by just a few, although they're sure to forget that the next episode or two, and Mayweather gives a little speech about acceptance that rolls off his tongue like frozen molasses. He wasn't that comfortable as an actor yet, that was clear, but the speech was wordy and preachy. It could've been done better and given him better material to work with.

So Enterprise comes to the rescue but Archer makes sure everyone gets out, not just him and Mayweather. But we have no follow-up, and have no idea what happens to certain characters we've come to care about during the course of the episode. Would've been nice to have that.

My last gripe is about Trip. I don't like his character, as I've stated in other reviews about this show, and in this episode he again shows why he's not fit to be an officer, bridge crew or captain. He may be an excellent engineer, but he needs to stay down in the engine room, and not have any interaction, other than his crew.

While T'Pol is conversing with the prison warden for the first time, trying to find out what's going on, Trip inserts himself and talks over her making demands. He's obnoxious, foolish and in the wrong. And yet, why is he NEVER punished for this?! He does this time and again, running his mouth when it's not his place. His character never grows or matures in the slightest over the entire arc of the series. He is by far my least favorite character in this entire series.
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