A solid enough erotic genre effort with a few major flaws
4 July 2022
Obsessed with his own impotence, a doctor attempting to find a cure for his condition discovers a strange serum that unlocks a hidden side to his personality in the form of a woman with an insatiable sex drive that leaves a trail of bodies and bodily fluid in her wake forcing him to control her wild side.

Overall, this one was a rather dark and brutal effort with some flaws to be had. Among the more likable factors here stem from the truly unrestrained erotic content featured here, ranging from the overall concept and visual imagery on display. Opening immediately with the type of content to be displayed here with full-frontal shots of graphic male nudity, the freedom and ease with which this captures shots involving full erections, organic pleasing and ejaculation makes for a highly effective air even before taking into consideration the storyline at the heart of the film. Undertaking the experiments as a means to cure his impotence and then managing to come upon a means of doing so that forces him to undertake a far more extreme side of his sexuality upon changing genders. This goes hand-in-hand with the sexual politics on display regarding how both sexes are designed to treat each other all combined together to provide a fine erotic undercurrent. With the solid gore here and general unease displayed through everything that transpires, it has some positive aspects on display. That said, there are some rather obvious and somewhat detrimental issues on display here. The main overarching factor here is the generally unnecessary length that serves as the running time here which causes several side problems coalescing into the main issue. The fact that so much of the film comes across as a loosely-connected series of porn scenes without a connecting issue between them beyond some half-hearted attempt to cure his impotence that gets dropped by the wayside in order to indulge in never-ending scenes of bizarre sexual activity that he isn't aroused by. That serves as the main driving point for so much of the film that there's hardly anything here that ties into this story with more of a feel towards hardcore porn-styled sexual activity or random sequences that just lengthen the running time as a whole. From traveling to the kink club that showcases numerous individuals engaging in body piercing and numerous other extreme acts that don't really provide this with much of a storyline at all. Even the second half where this focuses on her side of the experiment seducing and killing everyone she meets to the point it just feels random and disorganized without the pointless interludes discussing useless psychological issues with the experiment all makes for a highly underwhelming effort.

Rated Unrated/X: Continuous Graphic Male and Female Nudity, Constant Hardcore Sex Scenes, Graphic Violence, and Graphic Language.
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