Review of The Big Hit

The Big Hit (2020)
Prison Drama About A Drama Staged In A Prison
1 July 2022
The Big Hit: A prison comedy drama about a comedy-drama being staged in a prison. This film set in France is based on a true case which occurred in Sweden, we know that the prisoners escaped but how things got to that point is teased in the drama. Étienne (Kad Merad) is a down at heel actor, works as a drama coach, reduced to teaching Maori hakas at corporate team-building events. He gets a chance to teach drama at a high security prison and the inmates involved eventually impress him with their fable dramatisations. He convinces the prison governor to allow him to put on a performance of Waiting For Godot which will be staged outside of the jail. Six months of rehearsals ensue. There are no cardboard characters here, every prisoner is unhappy in his own way. Obstacles encountered are not all heroically overcome and as Beckett would have appreciated there is lot of waiting around in prison. Great performances from Merad and the supporting cast. Directed and Co-Written by Emmanuel Courcol. 8/10.
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